1. Assertion [A]: RBI controls the supply of money in the Economy.
Reason [R]: It wants to stabilize exchange rate and control inflation.
2. Assertion [A]: Micro irrigation technology helps to have a higher yield when compared to the traditional irrigation method.
Reason [R]: Micro irrigation required moderate water supply at regular intervals,reduction of labour expenses, increase the usage of fertilizer and the yield.
3. Find the missing number:
49, 121, 169,?, 361
4. Find the area of a rectangle one of whose sides is 5 cm and diagonal 13 cm.
5. A worker was engaged for a certain number of days. But he renained absent for some days and was paid Rs. 1,387. Had he worked all the days, he would have earned Rs. 1,752. How many days did he work for?
6. If product of given three numbers is 1875 and their HCF is 5, then their LCM is
7. 94 is divided into two parts in such a way that the fifth part of the first and the eighth part of the second are in the ratio 3:4. Then the first part is
8. How many times can you subtract 10 from 100?
9. A farmer borrowed Rs. 20,000 from a money lender at 4.5 % per annum in simple interest. The amount paid by him to clear the loan after a period of 5 years is
10. The difference between the simple interest received from two different sources on ₹1500 for 3 years is ₹13.50. The difference between their rate of interest is